
Welcome, Fàilte!

Thank you so much dropping by! I’m Richard, the Founder and Owner of AnotherWeeDram, and I’d like to warmly welcome you here and invite you to have a good browse around. There’s bound to be something that will catch your eye and whet your appetite as a connoisseur of fine whisky, or you wouldn’t be here, would you!

How I Dipped My Toes Into The ‘Water Of Life’…
And Learned To Swim!

I have to be honest and tell you that my first couple of experiences with whisky were not the best! It began when I was about 8 years old (gasps of horror!) with my Dad dabbing some from a cotton bud onto a hideously aching tooth in order to soothe the pain I was in before the Dentist pulled the thing out for me!

Not all whiskies are created equally and this particular one was some cheap, nasty supermarket brand I guess my Dad probably offered to visitors he didn’t want calling round again!

I never went near the stuff again until my 19th birthday, which just happened to coincide with my successful completion of 9 months initial training in the Air Force where, at the end of course knees-up, I was knocking back chasers of a similar kind of my Dad’s old whisky with every pint of beer that I had. Don’t ask me how many, I can’t remember and I don’t want to! All I’ll say is that I’ve never had another hangover like it in the 30 plus years since!

So, after another 8 years of vowing that I would NEVER touch whisky again, I visited a distillery in Scotland at the invitation – and the insistence – of a friend I was visiting. We were greeted by a kilted Tour Guide with big, bushy eyebrows, a red nose and the patter of a master story teller who waxed lyrical about the history and the life cycle of the ‘Water Of Life’ and his love for it as he showed us around the Distillery. He was quite the Showman and it was obvious he’d landed his dream job!

At the end of the tour, we were all invited to a try a free dram of their exquisite Single Malt. When I declined, the Tour Guide raised his eyebrows at me and enquired ‘Why ever not, laddie? It’s free. A proud Scotsman never says no to a freebie and nor should a sarry heid Sassenach (Englishman) like you while yer here.’

When I related – with some embarrassment – the experiences I describe to you above, he treated me to a slow, worldly wise shake of his head and roll of his eyes, and – putting a paternal hand on my shoulder – said to me ‘Naebody’s shown ye how tae drink whisky properly, have they, Son?’ Dinnae worry. Stick wi’ me and ye’ll be fine!’

I was. And I have never looked back!

Now I Want To Share
MY Passion For Whisk(e)y With YOU!

Although at Another Wee Dram, we mainly focus on the wonderful Scotch whiskies that have been lovingly and skilfully crafted for centuries in Scotland’s distilleries, and which are enjoyed the World over, please don’t think that we’d be neglecting the new, up and coming whiskies from other countries that are now making a very welcome appearance. And Heaven forbid that we would not bring you the exquisite whiskies of our neighbour, dear friend and partner-in-crime, Ireland!

Inside this site, you will find a Gold Mine of Whisky (and Whiskey!) related stuff – from the Drams you won’t ever find in the shops – but which are still very affordable – to the rarest and most expensive collectables, all of which can be shipped to your door wherever you are in the World, so you can enjoy them in the comfort of your own home.

And There’s More!

You can treat that special someone with some fabulous whisky gifts such as a bottle with a personalized label for that special occasion, engraved glasses, decanters and hip flasks, confectionary or even a bar of whisky soap!

Go on a guided Distillery Tour and experience first hand how your favourite tipple is made, whilst also discovering the local area which forms it’s unique and special character.

Or join an online Whisky Masterclass, so you can become a Malt Maestro and regale your friends with your expert knowledge as you share a wee dram together!

Is there a Chef inside just dying to get out? You’ll discover some delicious whisky based recipes that you can create mouth watering dishes with.

If you want to legally avoid giving a chunk of your hard-earned savings to the Revenue, you can find out how Whisky has become a very lucrative and tax-friendly investment that you can have a stake in as well for a lot less than you might think.

And if you have an entrepreneurial streak – or just want to earn yourself a little bit extra in the challenging post-pandemic economic climate – I will show you how you can turn a blog just like this one about any hobby or passion you have into nice little earner where you will be part of a Worldwide community of over 2 and a half million like-minded people. You can do it part-time, full-time or spare-time and what’s more – it’s FREE to join.

Check out my review HERE. 

My Goal At AnotherWeeDram

Whether you’re someone who can relate to my experiences above and now feel a bit more comfortable with the idea of giving whisky a try or if you already partake, I want to show you that there is far more to whisky than just the drink. Whisky is a culture – and a wonderful one – which in my humble opinion, nobody should miss out on through lack of knowledge.

I want to help you to gain that knowledge to enhance your enjoyment of ‘The Water Of Life’, its fascinating story and its exciting future.

If there’s anything I’ve missed out or if you have any questions, please feel free to leave them below or contact me on anotherweedram@gmail.com and I’ll be more than happy to help you out.

And finally, I have to say it….Please, PLEASE drink responsibly.

Sláinte Mhath!


Founder & Owner of AnotherWeeDram